Bakers >> Other Confections >>Cookies >>Celebration Cakes >>Wedding Cake >>Cupcakes >>Pastries & Breads >>Special Diet Traci’s Tasty Treasures For all your baking needs. 4694047547 @tracistastytreasures @groups/215195482369011 Offers delivery Welcome! I’m a cottage home baker providing cookies, cakes, pastries and anything that you might need in that sweet treats area. I now has my Associates degree in Pastry arts. Contact Me! Let me know what I can bake for you 🎂🍰🧁🍪🍩🍞🥖🥨 Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.Join Our Newsletter Email* CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Connect with Us Celebration Cakes Cookies Cupcakes Other Confections Pastries & Breads Special Diet Wedding Cake Mon- Fri 8 am- 5 pm Sat-Sun Noon- 5 pm